Monday, September 1, 2008

Deep Thoughts

When you park your car, facing down the driveway so you can hook up the trailer. After you ask your wife if the kids are all inside, you may want to check the front of your car. You never know when your Great Dane will decide that a great place to take a nap is in between the front tires of your car.

Sorry Enzo!

PS~ He is okay, just a little greasy from being on the bottom of the car.


Dalan and Elizabeth Dahl said...

Poor Enzo, I bet Soren has nighmares about running over him. Thanks for comming over and playing tonight. The kids had a blast.

shell said...

atleast it was your dog!!

Lisa Marie Trent said...

uh, did you run over Enzo?? IS THE CAR OK!?