Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring is in the "ACHOOO"....Air!

"Sniff" Phoenix had a plethora of rain this winter so this spring we have been treated to "Ahchoo"...lots and lots of Flowers. up where we live the landscape is awash in yellow brittle brush "ahchoo"... while it is very pretty right now I am suffering with major seasonal allergies "sniff"..Also, I know that in a couple of weeks all this beauty with be brown nasty weeds. So I am trying to enjoy it while it is here....just from the safety of my house and car! "Ahchoo...ahchoo"!!!


Brianne Skidmore said...

This is the only time of year that our yards look like they're not just full of weeds. I love it! Sorry about the allergies, though.
Ps- You're house looks awesome in these pics!

The McKell Spot said...

Tasha, I just checked my old e-mail address and saw that you wrote with your new blog. YaY! I'm so excited that I get to see what your family is up to as well as Misha's and Addie's. Your kids are beautiful and they all look just like you! I can't wait to see all of your other adventures. Holly

Fisher Family said...

I am totally with you Tasha! I have allergies so bad right now! Your house looks beautiful! Lindsey